Under the initiative of Professor Jean-Marc Egly, President of the Scientific Board, research laboratories have merged their activities to focus on digestive cancer prevention, to improve early cancer diagnosis, and to implement new therapeutic strategies.

In a pioneering spirit true to the Institute’s image, the R&D department in computer science and medical imaging has been considerably strengthened by pioneering engineers and computer scientists


Software Development Engineer


Surgical Data And Annotation scientist


AI / Surgical DATA Scientist


Philosophiae Doctor (PHD) Students

Some of the project


Ultrasound (US) is a key technology to detect abdominal cancer early, and treat it with minimal intervention. The disrumpere project aims to combine low-cost ultrasound devices with innovative AI and robotics technologies, to make US easier, faster more widely used. .

Laparoscopic surgical guidance systems with Augmented Reality

We research computer systems to improve laparoscopic surgery with Augmented Reality (AR) technologies. 3D medical image data such as CT or MR is automatically combined with the laparoscopic video, to show hidden critical structures such as tumours and major vessels.

Percutaneous surgical guidance systems

We research computer systems to improve percutaneous surgery with Virtual Reality (VR) and 3D tracking technologies.

Ultrasound and flexible endoscopy educational systems

Objective skill assessment is becoming an increasingly important component of surgery education and high-stakes skill assessment for accreditation. Our goal is to combine low-cost mechanical simulators with AI to make these tools broadly accessible.

About Us

Led by Dr. Alexandre Hostettler head of the IRCAD Surgical Data Science team along with Toby Collins, Director of Research at IRCAD, and Dr.Flavien Bridault, Director of Development at IRCAD, IRCAD has to this date worked on numerous projects in close collaboration with IHU currently developing its research on the theme of augmented surgery.


Improving outcomes of surgery with AI-based software systems

The aim of the IRCAD Surgical Data Science team previously known as the IRCAD R&D team is to improve the conditions of surgery, by “increasing” the surgeon’s skills and the efficiency of surgical maneuvers, through the development of new instruments and digital resources. The goal is for surgeons to benefit from an “increased” vision, operating maneuvers, and decision-making in the future.

In 2018, IRCAD team members held a computer science workshop in Kigali to gage the interest and the level in medical research engineering. Amazed by the response received and the knowledge level of the workshop attendees, IRCAD team members were more than ever convinced of the need to create an R&D department at IRCAD Africa.

Shortly after, the IRCAD Africa R&D department launched with a team of 3 R&D engineers working in close collaboration with the existing IRCAD France team. It has since then grown to become a team of 6 engineers and one Ph.D. candidate.

The growth of the Surgical Data Science team has been thoroughly planned to reach the set goal. IRCAD favors growth within the team which allows some IRCAD Africa team members to pursue PhDs in Strasbourg through the University of Strasbourg and return to IRCAD Africa to apply the acquired knowledge.

The team will include; interns, engineers, and Ph.D. candidates working from the IRCAD Africa center in Kigali-Rwanda. The team works closely with African Surgeon to tackle some of the challenges encountered in the operative room with the aim to develop an affordable solution through technology.

Artificial intelligence now allows images taken by echography to be treated in real-time which allows the extraction of rich and dynamic information. With this information, the detection, and characterization of tumors and pathologies become easier and which makes their treatment easier.

The team will collaborate with a French company e-scopics in order to develop a new generation of echographic imaging which will come at an affordable cost.