a broad range of
IRCAD online courses 

Online courses are organized by IRCAD in all surgical specialties. These courses include lectures, live sessions or pre-recorded demonstrations, and discussions with international experts. It’s the most effective way to promote online education.

Featured online courses

Laparoscopic palliative nephrectomy with circumferential vena cava resection

C Araújo Britto, T Lopes, L Klemig, FR Gomes de Figueiredo, G Cantídio, RB Rebouças, C Passerotti

Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy and thrombectomy level III in prone position

C Araújo Britto, I Maranhão, F Martins, F Miranda

Laparoscopic approach for a complicated obturator hernia

L PanichelliF SignoriniMB SoriaMF HuaisL ObeideA Ceferino Rossini

Video-assisted radical right inguinal lymphadenectomy

M da Silva JúniorR AlvesI MaranhãoT CostaP SalesG Ayumi Owada BorgesC Araújo Britto

Laparoscopic perineal hernia repair after abdominoperineal resection

R Pereyra FerreroL PanichelliF SignoriniA Ceferino RossiniL Obeide

Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (TAPP) with self-fixating mesh

V Cordeiro FonsecaR de Mesquita TauilF Mayer ReisR Vieira Beust

Laparoscopic palliative nephrectomy with circumferential vena cava resection

C Araújo Britto, T Lopes, L Klemig, FR Gomes de Figueiredo, G Cantídio, RB Rebouças, C Passerotti

Laparoscopic right radical nephrectomy and thrombectomy level III in prone position

C Araújo Britto, I Maranhão, F Martins, F Miranda

Myomectomy: PALM-COEIN classification system in an abnormal uterine bleeding (FIGO-AUB-L system 3) patient with V-Loc™ suture

N Zaragoza Arias, RN Hidalgo Ayala, N Zaragoza Camacho

Looking for more ?

The IRCAD offers Zoom online courses with educational activities in all surgical specialties. Surgeons can enhance their skills and their knowledge by watching surgical procedures as if they were performing them.

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